This Is How To Elevate Your Handmade Crafts Business

 There are so many people offering handmade crafts for sale that getting your business to stand out can be a real challenge. The good news is that by elevating your craft business you can increase the chances that it will succeed. Read on to find out how to elevate your handmade craft business. 

Make products people want 

First of all, when making and selling crafts you must pick things that people genuinely want to buy. Otherwise, you can end up wasting a lot of time and supplies on making items that won't sell, and then you’ll also lose space to store them. 

The best way to establish whether anyone wants to buy the products you are considering making is to do some market research. To do this you can look at which items and sellers are popular on established handmade platforms. You can also use SEO research to see what terms related to the products you are making that people are searching for, and even whether they intend to make a purchase or simply investigate. 

Be professional 

One of the most significant ways you can elevate your handmade crafts business is to be professional in the way that you run it. Indeed, there are many businesses out there with great products that lose customers and repeat sales because of the way that they behave. Remember just because your business is a small one, it doesn't mean you can act in an unprofessional way. 

Examples of unprofessional behaviour from handmade craft business owners can include not responding to enquiries or queries, and not letting customers know about changes in design, materials or shipping. Additionally, responding poorly to negative customer reviews online can make your handmade craft business look very unprofessional and make people think twice about buying from you. 

Elevate your customer experience 

When people buy from handmade crafters they expect a different type of customer experience. This means you need to make their experience as special and enjoyable as possible. There are several effective ways in which you can do this, including enhancing the way you package your products. For example, you can use beautiful boxes, custom tissue paper, stickers with your logo, and even small free gifts like sweets in your packaging to give your customers an extra positive surprise when they open the package. Many handmade crafters also include a handwritten thank you note which helps personalise the customer experience and encourage them to feel positive about it. 

Host your own website 

There are plenty of places you can sell your handmade crafts these days including Etsy, Amazon, and eBay. However, it's worth noting that selling on these platforms isn't always easy. This is because there are thousands of other sellers and ensuring your products get found in a sea of others can be particularly tough. Then there are the fees involved as the site will take a percentage of your sale price for the privilege of listing your products. 

With this in mind, it's a good idea to have your website where customers can go to buy your products. That isn't to say that you can’t have a listing on the other platforms; some sites have connectivity that allows you to upload a listing once and distribute it not only on your site but across a range of others as well, saving you time and effort in the process.